Sorry bro I let you down
God gave me a chance and I missed it
I should have been better but I'm back to square one
Like Sisyphus I must continue to roll the stone called "routine" and return to the source
Alas, no matter how hard I try, I come back to the same thing.
No one can understand me and I did it myself
I myself was a bad person. I myself did not love others and got what I deserved.
I could have changed everything, but I went with the flow.
Along the rotten current
Like a dead fish I kept swimming until my corpse was just floating
Sorry bro I let you down
God gave me a chance and I missed it
I should have been better but I'm back to square one
Like Sisyphus I must continue to roll the stone called "routine" and return to the source
Alas, no matter how hard I try, I come back to the same thing.
No one can understand me and I did it myself
I myself was a bad person. I myself did not love others and got what I deserved.
I could have changed everything, but I went with the flow.
Along the rotten current
Like a dead fish I kept swimming until my corpse was just floating